Hi there! I'm mycie.!

(the period is silent but important. don't ask why because I don't know)

I make zines!! Zines, which are a form of publication intentionally designed to be a counter-culture way of making publication more accessible to the general person and to share information, express oneself, or simply gush about a thing, are definitely my favorite form of art. I feel like zines make it easier to express my emotions when words fail me, and they also make me feel like I have better access to my community!

When I'm not making zines (which is honestly most of my free time), I may be doing some other form of art like painting, making digital art, weaving, or something else, or I might be studying for my pre-law classes, or I might be working as a karaoke jockey at my favorite bar! If I'm not doing any of that, I'm probably spending time with my wife, roommate, or our family dog.

If you'd like to learn more about me, give the bizness card on the right a little clicky, or, if you would like to reach out to me, please feel free to do so by emailing me!